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8 mai 2009 5 08 /05 /mai /2009 14:11

Le tirage (ou mise en bouteilles) est un moment important du cycle de la production du champagne. Nos vins sont fin prêts (collés, filtrés et passés aux froids) et les assemblages sont finis. Il ne reste plus qu'à réhydrater les levures qu'on va ensuite introduire dans les bouteilles (avec la liqueur du tirage) et pour cela il faut s'en occuper plusieurs fois par jour.  Cela fait déjà deux jours que Thierry va leur rendre "visite" et faire les "remontages" pour oxygéner le levain....et murmurer dans leurs petites oreilles
The bottling of champagne is an important part of the production process. The wine has been filtered, the blending has been prepared  - all that is left to do is to prepare the yeast which will be introduced into each bottle, in addition to sugar, in order to produce those famous bubbles! Thierry starts the yeast culture approximately 5 days before the bottling, and twice a day he pays a visit in order to oxygenate it, and "whisper" words of encouragement....!

Les deux cuves pour le levain
The two tanks used for the yeast culture

Nos petites levures qui bouillonnent !
Our little yeastie-beasties !
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Forgot to mention my appreciation for making the blog bilingual. I try to read the French version first and then check my understanding by reading the English version thereafter!
<br /> Thanks for your encouragement, René ! You may notice that the English version is not an exact translation of the French (or vice versa). Some things just don't translate...<br /> <br /> <br />
Great to be able to read about your daily activities and challenges in the Champagne. I can learn more about champagne making and keep up-to-date about your well-being at the same time.
I love that you're doing this blog. I hope you can keep the nice mix of personality and professional information. I feel connected to the vines and wish them well! -Betty Martin
<br /> Thanks for the words of encouragement Betty!<br /> <br /> <br />


  • Jennifer Fluteau
  • Originaire de Chicago, je vis et travaille avec mon mari Thierry dans notre domaine en Champagne

_Originally from Chicago, I now live in Champagne and work with my husband Thierry in our vineyards and cellar.
  • Originaire de Chicago, je vis et travaille avec mon mari Thierry dans notre domaine en Champagne _Originally from Chicago, I now live in Champagne and work with my husband Thierry in our vineyards and cellar.
